Mobile dental hygiene care.

(613) 770-3801

Serving the Kingston, Napanee, Gananoque and South Frontenac areas.

Engaging with nursing homes

Karen De Luca, RDH, shares her personal journey and advocates for dental hygienists to provide preventive dental therapy for people living in long term care. I used to feel uncomfortable at the thought of visiting a nursing home and seeing residents confined to their beds or wheelchairs, with their heads hanging down and saliva dripping […]

Senior Oral Care Advice Living in Long-Term Care Homes

Senior Oral Care Advice Living in Long-Term Care Homes Oral care is essential to overall health, and it’s especially important for seniors living in long-termcare. Maintaining good oral hygiene can help seniors feel better about themselves, combat bad breath, and prevent tooth decay and teeth from falling out. Karen at Roving Dental Hygiene goes into […]

Lack of Dental Care in Long-Term Care Homes

Lack of Dental Care in Long-Term Care Homes Introduction Seniors face a number of health challenges as they age. Oral health is one that often gets overlooked, but it can be especially dangerous when left untreated. Almost 80 percent of seniors in long-term care homes suffer from periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss […]

What causes dry mouth? How do you cope with it?

What causes dry mouth? How do you cope with it? Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Share on print We have all had dry mouths at one time or another. It may have occurred when we had to stand up and speak to a group of people. Or maybe […]

Getting Older is A Rough Road, What You Can Do To Make It Smooth

Getting Older is A Rough Road, What You Can Do To Make It Smooth Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Share on print What do good health and good oral health have in common? Before answering that question, what is the connection between senior health and oral health? If […]

Long-Term Dental Care for Long-Term Care Residents

Long-Term Dental Care for Long-Term Care Residents We all know that long-term care residents deserve the best in life. Seniors with compromisedcognitive or physical abilities have a safe setting with caring staff, nutritious meals, and thecompanionship of like-minded residents. While we would like to believe that the long-term carefacility has everything necessary for a happy, […]

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